Piotr Długosz is the Head of the Department of Social Research Methodology and the Director of the Centre for Youth Research, which he established himself. He obtained his scientific degrees at the Jagiellonian University. In 2006, he was awarded the academic degree of Doctor based on the dissertation The Trauma of Great Change in Subcarpathian Poland. In 2018, the academic degree of Doctor Habilitatus was conferred upon him on the basis of the dissertation Life strategies of youth in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland.

His research interests are focused on the issues of youth, education, psychosocial effects of changes, social inequalities and socio-cultural trauma. He is conducting research on the trauma of transformation in Ukraine on the basis of the research grant conferred upon him by the National Science Centre and together with his Ukrainian friends he is carrying out research into psychosocial effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in Poland and Ukraine. He is the author of 7 monographs and the editor of 7 books as well as more than 150 publications in journals, including articles in English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Director of two international research grants awarded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange and the Visegrad Grants devoted to the effects of distance education among students. Founder of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Research in War in Ukraine.


Habilitation 2018     Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University

Ph. D.        2006      Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University

MA           1999      Institute of Sociology of University of Rzeszów


2018             Professor at the Pedagogical University of Krakow

2010-2018   Assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Rzeszów

2006-2018  Senior lecturer at the Institute of Sociology at the East European State Higher School in Przemyśl

2006-2007  Assistant at the Department of Sociology and Rural Development at the University of Agriculture in Krakow

Academic Positions

2007-2018  Director of the Centre for Youth Research at the East European State Higher School in Przemyśl

2018            Director of the Centre for Youth Research at the Pedagogical University of Krakow

2019-2021 Deputy Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Pedagogical University of Kraków

2019          Head of the Department of Social Research Methodology

2018          Editor-in-Chief Youth in Central and Eastern Europe

2014-2018 Vice Editor-in-Chief Youth in Central and Eastern Europe

2020           Deputy Director of the COVID-19 Sociological Laboratory

2022           Deputy Director of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for War Research in Ukraine

Editorial Boards

2018           Social Pedagogy

2018           ORBIS SCHOLAE

2015           Polish Sociological Society, Board of the Youth Sociology and Education

2022           Youth

Scientific internships

2012-2013 Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University (Poland)

2013 Universidade de Brasilia, Departamento de Sociologia (Brazil)

2015 University of Lviv (Ukraine)

2018 International Sociological Institute in Kiev (Ukraine)

2018 Euroacademy in Tallinn (Estonia)

2018 Taras Shevchenko University in Kiev (Ukraine)

2021 Taras Shevchenko University in Kiev, International Sociological Institute in Kiev (Ukraine)

Research Grants

2021-2022 Grant project funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange: „Identification of barriers hindering the Ukrainian and Polish students’ return to schools” (Intervention Grants Program, BPN/GIN/2021/1/00012/U/00001) (Head of Research Team).

2021-2022 Grant project funded by Visegrad Grants Strategic Grants: „Preventing post-COVID Social Exclusion Together” (Head of Research Team).

2017-2020 Grant project funded by POWER 4.3 (ESF): „DUAL. Transnational cooperation towards supporting dual education in vocational training and education institutions” (Researcher).

2018 Grant project funded by the National Science Center: „Transformation trauma – social consequences of radical changes in Ukraine” (Researcher).

2018 Grant project funded by NAWA: „Transformational trauma in Ukraine and its social consequences” (Researcher).

2014-2015 Grant project funded by the Educational Research Institute: „Secondary school students’ attitudes towards Polish history of the 20th century” (Researcher).

2008-2009 Grant project funded by the National Science Center: „Analysis of social consequences of educational changes in Poland” (Researcher).

2005-2006 Grant project funded by the National Science Center: „The Trauma of Great Change in Subcarpathian Poland” (Researcher).

 Selected articles

Długosz P. The trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, CeDeWu. Warszawa 2021, s. 198.

Długosz P. Kryvachuk L. Shyyan O. Social Practices in the covid-19 Pandemic among Polish and ukrainian youth. Academicon. Lublin 2020, s. 66.

Długosz P. Strategies life of young people in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland, Wydawnictwo ,,Nomos”, Kraków 2017, s. 449.

Długosz P. The Trauma of Great Change in Subcarpathian Poland, ,,Nomos”, Kraków 2008, s. 332.

Długosz P. Distance education and its impact on school  performance: a cross-section study in Poland and Ukraine. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe. 9(13). https://doi.org/10.24917/ycee.9171.

Długosz P. The condition of students returning to schools after distance education. The cases of Poland and Ukraineine, Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 8/12/2021, s. 34-42.

Długosz P. The trauma of COVID-19 in Polish metropolises – a case study of Kraków, Kultura i Edukacja, 3/2001, s. 24-49.

Długosz P. Liszka D. Relationship between Mental Health, educational Burnout and Strategies for Coping with Stress among Students. A Cross-Sectional Study of Poland. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health/ https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182010827.

Długosz P. Kryvachuk L. Neurotic generation of Covid-19 in Eastern Europe, Front. Psychiatry | doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.654590.

Długosz P. Predictors of mental health after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, Brain Sciences. 2021, 11(5), 544.

Długosz P. Factors influencing mental health among American youth in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, Personality and Individual Differences. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2021.110711.

Długosz P. The Trauma of Post-Communism in Ukraine, Studia Polityczne, 1/2021, s. 29-52.


National Agency for Academic Exchange

Foundation for Polish Science

Sociological Studies

Sociological Review Yearbook of Lubuski

IBE Education

AGH University of Science and Technology

Journal of Social Work of the Jagiellonian University

Social Contexts

Scientific Journals of the Catholic University of Lublin

Intercultural Education

Zoon Politykon

Personality and Individual Differences

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy



Frontiers in Psychiatry

Journal of Health Psychology

Hungarian Educational Research Journal

Education Sciences